Hobo Stir Fry

I call this a hobo stir fry, because it's just a collection of whatever vegetables I have on hand. In this case, I've made an "Asian" style sauce. If you want something less salty, you can always thicken some chicken broth with a teaspoon or two of corn starch and leave out the other sauce ingredients. Most of the time, I add some bean sprouts to the vegetable mixture, but I didn't have any, so I added extra broccoli, instead.

Whole Grain Helper a la Vagabond

How about adding veggies and herbs to a simple boxed meal? Try the whole grain variety, too. I'm not fond of whole grain pasta, but I couldn't taste the difference in this dish. This is another meal I divide into one-cup serving containers for a quick and easy lunch. Much better than another frozen dinner! Microwaves nicely.